Global Settings

Global settings affect the entire application rather than individual tools. Customize a variety of features in the General Settings sub-tab, and use the Display Themes sub-tab (coming soon) to change the overall look of your software.

TIP: You can set up and manage nicknames for your accounts by going to in the Main Menu and selecting Manage Account Nicknames.


General Settings
Save layout interval

If checked, auto-save is enabled and your layouts and settings will automatically back up to your computer at a regular frequency. The default is every 5 minutes, but you can change to anything from 1 to 120 minutes.

See more on backing up and restoring your settings and layouts

Inactivity logout Customize the amount of time that you wish to remain online before the software logs you off due to inactivity. The default setting is 1 hour, but you can change to between 1 and 8 hours.
Refresh Rate Controls the speed of the data to your display. If you have a slower processor, it may be helpful to reduce this rate. Move the pointer between Slow and Fast to control how many times per second your window refreshes. Slowest is every 1 second.
New Message behavior

Decide what you want the software to do when you get a new message:

  • Show a system tray notification: Displays the message or subject of the message for 5 seconds in the lower right corner of your primary monitor. Double-click the message in the notification to open the Messages tool.
  • Bring the Message tool(s) to the front: Makes the Messages tool the active window in your StreetSmart Edge® display.
  • Do both of the above
Header Symbol Fields Enter the symbols you wish to display a quote for in the header of the StreetSmart Edge® window. Displays the trade price, change from close, and % change from close. Useful for keeping an eye on key stocks or indices.
Symbol Auto-Complete

Keep Use Symbol Auto Complete checked if you want the software to offer suggestions to choose from as you're typing a symbol. For instance, if you type AA, all the symbols that start with AA will display. Arrow down to the one you want and press Enter, or you can click on the symbol with your mouse.

Unchecking this setting will stop the symbol suggestions from displaying.


When Change background color of grid cells to show tick direction is checked, the software will display a red or green background behind price values to indicate whether the stock is on the downtick or uptick, respectively.

Quick Launch Check to improve initial application startup performance.


Display Themes
Light / Dark Choose between a light or a dark background theme. You can toggle between the Light and Dark choices and see how the change will affect your layout before adopting the change by clicking Save.



Click on the event you want to assign a sound to: Login, Logout, Live Order Entered, Order Filled, Order Cancelled.

Click Browse to select an audio file to use for the selected event. The software comes with several sounds from which to choose, or you can use .wav files of your own.

TIP: When choosing a file from the Browse dialog, you can listen to it before choosing it by right-clicking on the file and selecting Play. Otherwise, you can select the file, click Open, and press the button to hear the sound.